Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Creative Artistic Lighting Technique

Creativity is the greatest tools in all lighting technique. It is require, you must use it and you must have it, in order to expand your ability and sense of art in lighting. Creative lighting existed already long time ago, from the era of great painters up till today.
Often, we are so blinded by the rules, and we afraid to do things that out of the box. For me "Rules Are Meant To Be Broken When Creativity Abounds". So free your self and free your mind the rest will follow and what we need to do just let it flow folks. :D

Most people always afraid and try as much as possible to avoid shadow. Understandable..., but we never realize that actually, even when we use light, we never cast the shadow away, yet we produce a bunch of it instead. So, why bother we have fear for shadows? Why don't we start to treat shadow as our benefit? Who knows it will give more fun. :D

Most of great images produced by shadow and light. In fact great dynamic range of an image always determined by shadow and light. To much light and less shadow will make your image become so boring to look at, nothing is special on it. Remember, great art always Spectacular and Dramatic.


by Leonardo da Vinci

All great painter in early ages already considered that "it is a must" to have shadow in their pictures. Just imagine, if the great MONALISA painting, painted with lack of shadows? Will she become such a legend as today without shadows? In fact, if we look at THE MONALISA, the shadow played the biggest role! Again it's proven, that the greatest artist always knew how to play with shadows.


The best reference for creative artistic photography lighting technique is Caravaggio. 
His creativity in lighting determined by how he play and place the shadow on the right place. 

 Taking of Christ by Caravaggio

 Painting of Art by Caravaggio

Painted by Caravaggio

Painted by Caravaggio

Caravaggio-Paintings-Art-311 by Caravaggio

Photography with Caravaggio lighting technique influences 
created by various photographers. 
Just click the names to see the gallery of the artist.

As we all can see, Caravaggio Lighting Technique gave a lots of influence during the decade. Truly Cinematic feel its create by the technique. Almost every Cinematic lighting has a lots of Caravaggio influence. All the image below are from the Big Screen using "FILM NOIR" lighting technique:


It is obvious, that, shadow add souls, shadow create feels, shadow emphasize life, shadow add drama, shadow give accents, shadow enhanced the story and above all, shadow give more meaning to the light. 

"The greatness of light determined by the impact of the shadow, as the impact of light balanced by the shadow." Antoine Dagobert..

Finally...just as our life... Apart of us today, its because the shadow of the past
As better can not be exist without worse
Less meaning on morning if we do not have night
As live accented by dead
So is love exist because of hate
Can joy become so meaningful without a sorrow?
"And what is a light will be... without a shadow?" Antoine Dagobert 2015

I hope this short articles will enlighten you and help you to understand more about lighting in photography .

Cheers and Ciao :))))

Antoine Dagobert

All images found on the internet through Google search engine and copyrighted to the artist. 
The images above are not mine.

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